Sports Wrist Strap
Handgelenkbandage entlastet und stabilisiert das Handgelenk - leicht, komfortabel, langlebig und waschbar.
€ 37,90*
- Entlastet und stabilisiert mit gezieltem Druck
- Druck individuell regulierbar
Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage
Die passende Größe
Miss den Umfang an der breitesten Stelle des Handgelenks.
Material und Pflegehinweise
47% Polyamid, 17% Polyester, 14% Polyurethan, 11% Elastodien, 10% Viskosefasern, 1% Elasthan
Lieferung & Rücksendung
Beweglichkeit fördern.
Verletzungen vorbeugen.

Targeted Support
Der elastische Gurt ermöglicht die Wahl des gewünschten Drucks der Handgelenksbandage
Made in Germany
Premium-Materialien und höchste Produktionsstandards seit 1929

Der Sports Wrist Strap entlastet und stabilisiert durch gezielten Druck das Handgelenk bei intensiven Sporteinheiten.

Der Sportgurt reduziert Belastungsspitzen bei Training und Wettkampf und schützt präventiv vor sportartspezifischen Überlastungsbeschwerden. Die in zwei Größen verfügbare Handgelenksbandage bietet hohen Tragekomfort und überzeugt durch seine optimale Passgenauigkeit. Die elastische Schlaufe liegt eng und komfortabel am Handgelenk an ohne dabei unangenehm einzuschnüren. Darüber wird mit dem fixierenden Gurt der gewünschte Druck der Sportbandage eingestellt. Je nach Sportart und persönlichem Empfinden kann der Athlet den Entlastungsdruck auf das Handgelenk individuell regulieren.
Der Sports Wrist Strap liegt besonders flach an und ist anatomisch geformt. Sein luftig-leichtes Gestrick mit der 3D AIRKNIT® Technology ist besonders atmungsaktiv und strapazierfähig. Dadurch trägt sich der Sports Wrist Strap in sportlichen Situationen besonders angenehm.
- Entlastet und stabilisiert mit gezieltem Druck
- Druck individuell regulierbar
- Reduziert Belastungsspitzen, bietet vorbeugenden Schutz
- Komfortabler und sicherer Sitz bei jeder Bewegung
- Luftig-leichtes Gestrick aus strapazierbarem Material
- Langlebiges, robustes Produkt ohne Schadstoffe
29. November 2024 13:30
Great product, excellent support
Had an injury due to neck stiffness which was impacting my wrist and shoulder. Bought this to support through exercise whilst healing and treating the main problem. It's been great and, even though I'm sure it wasn't the sole reason the injury improved, it's been a big help as it meant I could do bouldering without as much strain on other areas to compensate for the weakened wrist. Highly recommend.
9. Juli 2024 07:11
Sehr Gut!!!
Super Sports Wrist Strap von Bauerfeind Sports!!!
9. Juli 2024 07:56
The best. Please make them in white!
I haven't played tennis in a few years, started again this summer. Everything was great for the first couple of weeks, then I developed a very painful tennis elbow which made it impossible to continue playing. I tried 5 other brands of wrist support / compression wraps ranging in price from $7.50 a pair to $9 for one. Some were better than others, but all they did was to lessen the impact slightly - the pain was still there. To have an effect they had to be wrapped as tight as possible, partly cutting off blood flow, which is uncomfortable. Then I tried these. (I bought two.) They are undeniably the most expensive wrist wraps I have seen but in my opinion they are worth it. At first, I used this wrist wrap the same way I used the others, fastening it as tightly as possible, and it didn't work at all. Then I tried putting the Velcro part exactly where it is shown on all the pictures from the manufacturer, and then, as if by magic, my elbow pain disappeared. I feel the impact when I hit the ball with the racket but there is no pain. And after I finish playing and take the wrist wrap off, the pain has also been getting less and less. I still cannot believe how well it works. Also, according to the manufacturer, it's made of a material that is moisture wicking and breathable, unlike the cheaper products which retain bacteria and become smelly after a while. In my experience this wrist wrap's moisture wicking and breathability are both excellent. I am happy I found this item and I highly recommend it. I bought them in black but would re-purchase them if you made them available in white.
Der Sportgurt reduziert Belastungsspitzen bei Training und Wettkampf und schützt präventiv vor sportartspezifischen Überlastungsbeschwerden. Die in zwei Größen verfügbare Handgelenksbandage bietet hohen Tragekomfort und überzeugt durch seine optimale Passgenauigkeit. Die elastische Schlaufe liegt eng und komfortabel am Handgelenk an ohne dabei unangenehm einzuschnüren. Darüber wird mit dem fixierenden Gurt der gewünschte Druck der Sportbandage eingestellt. Je nach Sportart und persönlichem Empfinden kann der Athlet den Entlastungsdruck auf das Handgelenk individuell regulieren.
Der Sports Wrist Strap liegt besonders flach an und ist anatomisch geformt. Sein luftig-leichtes Gestrick mit der 3D AIRKNIT® Technology ist besonders atmungsaktiv und strapazierfähig. Dadurch trägt sich der Sports Wrist Strap in sportlichen Situationen besonders angenehm.
29. November 2024 13:30
Great product, excellent support
Had an injury due to neck stiffness which was impacting my wrist and shoulder. Bought this to support through exercise whilst healing and treating the main problem. It's been great and, even though I'm sure it wasn't the sole reason the injury improved, it's been a big help as it meant I could do bouldering without as much strain on other areas to compensate for the weakened wrist. Highly recommend.
9. Juli 2024 07:11
Sehr Gut!!!
Super Sports Wrist Strap von Bauerfeind Sports!!!
9. Juli 2024 07:56
The best. Please make them in white!
I haven't played tennis in a few years, started again this summer. Everything was great for the first couple of weeks, then I developed a very painful tennis elbow which made it impossible to continue playing. I tried 5 other brands of wrist support / compression wraps ranging in price from $7.50 a pair to $9 for one. Some were better than others, but all they did was to lessen the impact slightly - the pain was still there. To have an effect they had to be wrapped as tight as possible, partly cutting off blood flow, which is uncomfortable. Then I tried these. (I bought two.) They are undeniably the most expensive wrist wraps I have seen but in my opinion they are worth it. At first, I used this wrist wrap the same way I used the others, fastening it as tightly as possible, and it didn't work at all. Then I tried putting the Velcro part exactly where it is shown on all the pictures from the manufacturer, and then, as if by magic, my elbow pain disappeared. I feel the impact when I hit the ball with the racket but there is no pain. And after I finish playing and take the wrist wrap off, the pain has also been getting less and less. I still cannot believe how well it works. Also, according to the manufacturer, it's made of a material that is moisture wicking and breathable, unlike the cheaper products which retain bacteria and become smelly after a while. In my experience this wrist wrap's moisture wicking and breathability are both excellent. I am happy I found this item and I highly recommend it. I bought them in black but would re-purchase them if you made them available in white.